誓いの夜・金鹿の学級 A Night of Promises (Golden Deer)
(金鹿の学級 夜)
Golden Deer Classroom | Evening
クロード: 年に一度の舞踏会。前夜祭まであるとは、士官学校もお堅いだけじゃないんだな。
Claude: The time has come for the annual ball. But first, an eve of merriment! OK, I'll admit it. The Officers Academy isn't as uptight as I thought.
ヒルダ: あたし、こういうの大好きー!踊るのだけは得意なのよねー。
Hilda: Ooh, I adore such things! Dancing is the only thing I'lm really good at anyway.
ラファエル: 明日もご馳走が出るんだろ?オデはそっちが楽しみだなあ。
Raphael: There's a feast tomorrow, isn't there? Isn't there?! Ah, I can't want a moment longer!
レオニー: わたしも、そっちだな。踊るとか歌うとかは、どうにも苦手でさ。
Leonie: Dancing, singing... I'm not good at either of those things.
ヒルダ: あら、踊るの楽しいわよー?舞踏会では同じ相手と何度も踊れないの。
Hilda: So? Dancing is fun! Oh! And remember, you can't dance with the same partner multiple times. It's tradition!
That means you have to dance with all of the gentlemen in all of the houses, swapping dance partners as you please...
ヒルダ: 明日は各学級の良い男を捜して、踊る相手をとっかえひっかえ……うふふ。
リシテア: なんだか、不純……! わたしは純粋に踊ることを楽しむつもりですからね。
Lysithea: How scandalous. I, for one, plan to simply behold the pure essence of dance.
マリアンヌ: あの……私は、見学で……。
Marianne: I'll, um.... watch. From a distance.
ヒルダ: そうはいかないわよ、マリアンヌちゃん。男子から誘われたら受けるのが礼儀なの。
Hilda: You can't just watch, Marianne! If a boy asks you to dance, you simply must accept. It's only polite.
イグナーツ: あの……誰を誘ってもいいんですよね?ボク、どうしようかな……。
Ignatz: You can ask...anyone? To dance? Gah, whatever should I do?
ローレンツ: ははは! 明日だけは、せいぜい良い夢を見たまえ、イグナーツ君!
Lorenz: Hahaha! Lucky you, Ignatz! Tomorrow, if only for a day, you may live out your dearest dreams of an exalted existence!
As for me, I am surely to be overwhelmed with the propositions of desperate ladies. I will doubtless have little time for partners of my own choosing.
レオニー: ……ローレンツは、今だけ妄想で良い夢を見ていたまえ。
Leonie: Which one of you is dreaing now, Lorenz?
クロード: ところで諸君、一つ提案があるんだ。先生も聞いてくれ。
Claude: Everyone! Listen up. To no one's surprise, I have a brilliant idea. Teach, you'll want in on this too.
Byleth: 提案? What's your idea?
クロード: 無謀かつ無責任な提案かもしれないが……
Claude: This may sound impetuous. Perhaps irresponsible. Almost certainly impossible.
But we're gonna do it anyway. In exactly five years' time, let's promise to meet again, right here at the monastery.
ラファエル: それって、同窓会ってやつだよなあ?
Raphael: A reunion? There's usually food at reunions. Count me in, Claude!
マリアンヌ: 5年後というと……ガルグ=マクの千年祭の年ですね……。
Marianne: Five years from now... will be the monastery's millennium festival, celebrating 1,000 years since the founding of Garreg Mach.
イグナーツ: 千年祭はこれまでにないような大きな祭典になると聞いていますよ。
Ignatz: I hear the millennium festival will be the largest celebration in the monastery's history.
ヒルダ: なーるほどー。それなら千年祭にかこつけて集まりやすいかもしれないわねー。
Hilda: Oh, I get it! It'll be easier for us to al get back here with the millennium festival as an excuse.
ローレンツ: ああ、僕は新たな盟主として、レア様にお祝いを述べに来ているかもしれない。
Lorenz: How true. As the new leader of the Alliance, I will certainly have the occasion to attend and pay my respects to Lady Rhe.
リシテア: それはないと思いますけど。
Lysithea: That almost certainly will not transpire.
クロード: 先生はどうだ? 5年経ってもここで教師をやってるなんてのは想像しづらいが──
Claude: And you, Teach? I guess it's hard to imagine that you'll still be teaching here five years from now...
But I'm sure no matter where you end up, you'll come running at the chance to see your adorable little Golden Deer again, right?
Choice 1: わからない I don't know.
クロード: おっと、先生がそんな薄情者だったとは……いや、冗談だって。顔を見りゃわかるよ。
Claude: Who knew Teach had a heart of ice? Too bad I can see from a mile away that you're joking. How you really feel is written all over your face
Choice 2: たぶん Probably so.
クロード: そこは先生、絶対行くと約束するとこだろ?先生が来るなら、みんな来るって。
Claude: Ahem... That was your cue to promise everyone you'll return. Go on, set a good example, Teach. If you promise, everyone else will, too.
リシテア: ふふ、今から楽しみですね。5年も経てばみんな大人っぽくなってるでしょうし。
Lysithea: Hahaha! I'm already excited! After five years, we'll all be whoever we're going to become!
レオニー: あ、先生、ジェラルト師匠も誘っといてね。立派に成長した弟子の姿を見せたいから!
Leonie: Please, Professor! Invite Captain Jeralt too! I want to show him how well his apprentice turns out.
ヒルダ: じゃ、そういうことで、クロードくん。決まりでいいんじゃない?
Hilda: It's settled, then. What do you say, Claude? Is it official?
クロード: よし、じゃあ絶対に覚えておいてくれ!5年後のこの日、大修道院でまた会おう!
Claude: The promise is sealed! That means we're all obligated to keep it. Five years from today, all of us will meet again at the monastery.
Don't forget it, Teach. You and I will meet here again...